Dieng Plateau is located at 2.093 above the sea level. It has fresh
air with the temperature of 10 – 15o C. The word "Dieng" was derived
from Sanskrit Language "Di" means high place and "Hyang" means heaven.
Altogether "Dieng" means mountainous area where gods and goddesses are residing. Besides, Dieng can also be translated to Javanese language "Adi tur Aeng", means beautiful and unique where it has specialty and difference than other places. The surrounding temples are recognized to be the oldest Hindu Temple in Indonesia.
Altogether "Dieng" means mountainous area where gods and goddesses are residing. Besides, Dieng can also be translated to Javanese language "Adi tur Aeng", means beautiful and unique where it has specialty and difference than other places. The surrounding temples are recognized to be the oldest Hindu Temple in Indonesia.