Borobudur Temple
The world's largest Buddhist temple which is one of the masterpieces among the Seven Wonders of the World is located in the Borobudur Village, Borobudur district, approximatelly ± 3 km from Mungkid city. Borobudur was built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of Ancient Mataram Kingdom, from the descendant of Wangsa Syailendra. Based on the Kayumwungan inscription, an Indonesian named Hudaya Kandahjaya revealed that Borobudur is a place of worship which was completely built on May 26th, 824 almost a hundred years since they first started the construction. According to several sources the name of "Borobudur" means as a mountain with terraces (budhara), while others says that it means monastery located on the high ground.
Borobudur temple was designed as staircase consistsing of 10 levels. Before Borobudur was renovated, the height of the temple was 42 meters and 34.5 meters after the reconstruction because the lowest level functioned as a barrier after being renovated. The six lowest square and top three circle and one of the highest levels of Buddhist stupa is facing to the West. Each level represents the stages of human life. In accordance with Mahayana Buddhism teaching, every person who wants to reach the level as the Buddha must passed through every level of human life. Kamadhatu, the lowest part of Borobudur (basement) symbolizing human beings that are bound by lust.
Whereas the other four levels above referred as Rupadhatu who
symbolizes the ability of humanbeing to break free from his/her lust yet
bound with manner and human form itself. On this terrace, the statue of
Buddha is placed in an open space. Meanwhile, the other three levels
above where the Buddhist stupas are laid in holes is called Arupadhatu,
symbolizing humanbeing who has been freed from lust, appearance, and
human form. The highest part is called Arupa symbolizes nirvana, where
Buddha is residing
Mendut Temple
It is a Buddhist sacred place beside the Borobudur Temple. Mendut Temple is 4 km away from the Buddhism monastery. The temple has a Pyramid shaped roof and in which there is a statue of Buddha flanked by two statues.
Pawon Temple
Pawon Temple is located on the Brojonalan District in the Borobudur subdisdrict. This Buddhist temple used to be a place to keep the weapons of King Indera Vajranala, this story was based on the fact that were found in Karang Tengah inscription made on 824 AD. This temple was made of volcanic stone. From the perspective of the architecture, Pawon Temple is a combination of both ancient Javanese Hindu and Indian architecture.
The location of Pawon Temple is right on the axis line connecting the Borobudur and Mendut Temple. Besides the location of the temple, we can find many similarities on motives carved in the three temples are also prooved that there was relationship between those three Buddhist temples. Poerbatjaraka, argued that the Pawon temple is also known as Upa Angga (part of) the Borobudur
The world's largest Buddhist temple which is one of the masterpieces among the Seven Wonders of the World is located in the Borobudur Village, Borobudur district, approximatelly ± 3 km from Mungkid city. Borobudur was built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of Ancient Mataram Kingdom, from the descendant of Wangsa Syailendra. Based on the Kayumwungan inscription, an Indonesian named Hudaya Kandahjaya revealed that Borobudur is a place of worship which was completely built on May 26th, 824 almost a hundred years since they first started the construction. According to several sources the name of "Borobudur" means as a mountain with terraces (budhara), while others says that it means monastery located on the high ground.
Borobudur temple was designed as staircase consistsing of 10 levels. Before Borobudur was renovated, the height of the temple was 42 meters and 34.5 meters after the reconstruction because the lowest level functioned as a barrier after being renovated. The six lowest square and top three circle and one of the highest levels of Buddhist stupa is facing to the West. Each level represents the stages of human life. In accordance with Mahayana Buddhism teaching, every person who wants to reach the level as the Buddha must passed through every level of human life. Kamadhatu, the lowest part of Borobudur (basement) symbolizing human beings that are bound by lust.
Mendut Temple
It is a Buddhist sacred place beside the Borobudur Temple. Mendut Temple is 4 km away from the Buddhism monastery. The temple has a Pyramid shaped roof and in which there is a statue of Buddha flanked by two statues.
Pawon Temple
Pawon Temple is located on the Brojonalan District in the Borobudur subdisdrict. This Buddhist temple used to be a place to keep the weapons of King Indera Vajranala, this story was based on the fact that were found in Karang Tengah inscription made on 824 AD. This temple was made of volcanic stone. From the perspective of the architecture, Pawon Temple is a combination of both ancient Javanese Hindu and Indian architecture.
The location of Pawon Temple is right on the axis line connecting the Borobudur and Mendut Temple. Besides the location of the temple, we can find many similarities on motives carved in the three temples are also prooved that there was relationship between those three Buddhist temples. Poerbatjaraka, argued that the Pawon temple is also known as Upa Angga (part of) the Borobudur